Thursday, July 5, 2012

security measures after jailbreaking your iphone

After jail breaking you allow all the third parties to install and give them a freedom and main thing you forget is that your device is not up to apple anymore. If you really care about security i don't recommend you to jailbreak your device, however in long run jail breaking and finding exploits would lead IOS making more secure.
 To secure up your jailbroken device simply do through the processes/steps below

1. Change root passwords: I would highly recommend doing this , If you have installed open SSH on your devices then it is highly important that you change its default password. Else you have pretty big chance that you are getting hacked!! . The steps and details on changing root/SHH password can be found here>>

2. Repo : It is recommended that you dd sources only  from verified and legal repos , like i already said after jailbreak you leave your device to third party and let them gain freedom , to not happen this   do not add sources from unverified repos and do not install apps from those repos.

3. Third party apps: do not believe apps like apps that claim to update status from notification center and so on they may update status but keep track of you all the time stealing your confidential information.

4. Lockdown app: If you really care for privacy install this app from cydia store itself ,this app locks up apps ,messages and photos not letting any people go thorough your iphone.

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