Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Arguments with basic terminal commands


a. find . -iname "filetofind" 
i= search case insensitively
name= search by name
The portion indicated by double inverted commas is the file you need to find.
. (dot) refers to current directory

b. If you need to find file that are accessed  in time interval within 1 day.

 find . -iname "*" -atime -1

* are wild cards they can replace any keyword or name you want to find

c. If you need to find files that are modified in time interval less than 1 day.

find . -iname "*" -mtime -1

mtime= modify time

2. rm filename

a. rm filename (use this command to remove file)
b. rm -r filename (use this command to remove directory)
Since we cant remove directories simply,  so using argument -r with rm removes file recursively.

3. mv filename 

a. mv filename ./Desktop 
for full details of mv command refer here

3 must have extensions for better youtube experience

This post is not for pro users, In this post i've listed some of the fundamentals but highly recommended tools for better youtube experience.

1. Download Ad blocker
Download Ad blocking software , I use chrome in my case ad block is the best. There are also many ad blocking extensions and tools for the browser of your choice. Ad blocker eliminates the ads from your web pages making your web experience less distractive and clean.

2. Video resumer
It is the extension that is specially useful for youtube. In case you left watching a long video on youtube or your browser suddenly crashes, It is useful when you open the same video again. This handy extension resumes from the last time you left off.

3.Youtube video downloader
It is available for all web browsers, For firefox you can download ant downloader and for chrome You can download youtube video downloader from the chrome store.

Let me know if i should have listed other basic things that should have been on the post above on the comments below.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

MV command - Two different types of arguments

In mac terminal mv command is capable of doing 2 things based on arguments supplied, mv command can both move and rename files.

1. If two file name is supplied

mv filename1 filename2

This command renames filename1 to filename2

2. If the filename and the destination file is supplied

mv filename1  ./desktop/folder1

This command moves filename1 to folder1

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Basic Terminal commands part 2

Welcome to the second part of basic terminal commands , To get yourself started- Here are some of the  basic terminal commands you must know.

1 . mv
It moves the directory

2. rm
Removes any file or directory

3. mkdir
Make a directory

4. man 
Its an argument actually, that fits on any command for eg type man cd and then you can see how to use cd  command. man is used to find how to use a specific commands, details about the commands and what arguments can be supplied to an specific command.

Securely copy any files to destination.

Counts the words within a file or if valid arguments supplied can count words of a directory.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Basic terminal commands

Im very sorry - i've been lazy these days. Lets get to the point now,
If you are migrating from windows to mac then u might be in trouble as i were or in anyways you are in  trouble  learning Mac osx terminal then you dont neet to worry. Grab a pencil and paper -In this whole month, My blog is going to be flooded with Terminal commands.

1. ls
It lists the contents of a directory like we use dir command on windows.

2. cd
It  chages the directory

3. .
Note : above command is a single dot it is used to refer a single dot , type in cd . in your terminal and find out what it does and remember there is space between cd and dot.

4. ~
It stands for home directory in Macosx type cd  ~  to find out what it does.

5. pwd
sorry it does not shows passwords in Macosx it stands for print working directory or simply prints the directory you are currently in.

6. cal
It prints the calendar of the current month

7. users
It prints users who are currently registered on your machine.

8. ps or top (They are different i'll come to that point later on my blog, For now you should know that it works)
Watch the process running on your Macosx.

9. clear
It clears the screen

For now all you need to know is this , If you have any question regarding advanced terminal commands which may include and not limited to piping , grep commands , ssh commands , ssh- keygens , standard i/o or  finding stuffs feel free to leave the comments below or contact me.